long-term assets

Corporate Responsibility

+10 years

of experience in responsible and impact investing


of AUM** classified as Articles 8 & 9 under SFDR


issuers rated according to ESG criteria


of our core portfolio managers have access to ESG research and scores

What is responsible investing?

At tenarisfunds.com, we define responsible investing (RI) as an investment process that incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into its approach. RI enables clients to align their investments with global megatrends that are changing the investment landscape. Issues such as increasing regulation, the growing need for risk mitigation and a heightened social conscience can be more effectively addressed by integrating ESG factors into the investment process.

Why is responsible investing important?

ESG can allow firms to foster a meaningful change in the global economy, and in the communities in which we live and work. We believe that ESG analysis leads to more effective investment solutions that address global challenges and create sustainable value for our clients.

The integration of ESG factors is used to enhance traditional financial analysis by identifying potential risks and opportunities beyond technical valuations, providing data on issues such as potential reputational risk or identifying firms which are adapting to meet new market challenges. It is important to note that the main objective of ESG integration remains financial performance.

Our approach to responsible investment

We offer a bespoke, discretionary service to the majority of our clients through investment managers, financial planners, or a combination of the two. Therefore, our responsible investment approach will be tailored to the individual needs and objectives of the client.

1. ESG integration
We believe that high-quality companies which manage ESG risks and opportunities well will make attractive long-term investments. Our research team considers ESG factors when evaluating individual companies and when they assess fund managers. Through the use of Sustainalytics, a third-party provider of ESG data, material risks and opportunities are fed into traditional financial analysis and models for our ‘buy list’ stocks.

Our research team address ESG issues in due diligence questionnaires for all funds considered for our buy list. The team also has a dedicated socially responsible investing (SRI) list for funds with a sustainability focus, and with restrictions on investment in harmful activities. The SRI list helps our investment managers select funds which aim to deliver attractive investment returns while contributing positively to global environmental and social challenges.

2. Ethical screening
During suitability discussions with their investment manager, clients can choose to apply certain ethical screening criteria to their portfolio. Clients can select certain restrictions for direct holdings, and portfolios are then created and managed to reflect these restrictions

3. Engagement and stewardship
Brewin Dolphin is committed to being a good steward of our clients’ investments, to enhance and protect their long-term value. We are supporters of the UK Stewardship Code and have a tier one rating for our engagement work.

For each core holding, our research team will monitor and engage with company management on priority material issues that impact the value of our clients’ assets, which include material ESG issues. This can be done directly or via collective engagement with other shareholders.


We report on all of our stewardship, engagement and responsible investment activities at least annually. Details of these reports will be available on our website.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest may arise from our responsible investment activities. Any such conflicts will be recorded, considered, and dealt with in line with tenarisfunds.com conflicts of interest policy. All colleagues are regularly trained to identify and address potential conflicts of interest.

Approval and review

This statement is intended to summarise tenarisfunds.com approach to responsible investment. Overall responsibility for this approach is held by the Sustainability Committee, which reports to the Executive Committee. It was reviewed and approved by the Sustainability Committee in December 2020. Our responsible investment statement will be reviewed and updated at least annually

Our ESG principles are embedded throughout our operations and help us ensure that our business model will be sustainable well into the future.

Mitigate the impact of our operations on the environment

  • Environmental stewardship: Strive to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and improve our efficient use of resources over time.
  • Net Zero Commitment: Support the goal of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 or sooner.

Ensure the well-being and safety of employees

  • Employee well-being: Meet or exceed all applicable labor laws and standards in jurisdictions where we operate, which includes respecting human rights, offering competitive wages and implementing nondiscriminatory hiring practices.
  • Health & safety: Aim to have zero serious safety incidents within our businesses by working toward implementing consistent health and safety principles across the organization.

Be good stewards in the communities in which we operate

  • Community engagement: Engage with community groups that might be affected by our actions to ensure that their interests, safety and well-being are appropriately integrated into our decision-making.
  • Philanthropy: Encourage our employees to participate in the communities in which we operate.

Conduct business according to the highest ethical and legal/regulatory standards

  • Governance, ethics, and fairness: Operate with high ethical standards by conducting business activities in compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
  • Transparency: Be accessible to our investors and stakeholders by being responsive to requests for information and timely in our communication.

Key dimensions of our ESG assessment of corporations and countries

Integrating ESG considerations into our investment process

Our commitments include incorporating ESG factors into our investment decisions, starting with the due diligence of potential investments through to the exit process. We tailor ESG due diligence to each investment, and we create post-investment remediation plans for material ESG considerations. For all potential investments, we use internal experts and a variety of ESG frameworks to identify material ESG factors and utilize external consultants where appropriate. This analysis includes everything from ensuring environmental, legal and regulatory compliance to the identification of opportunities to add value or mitigate risk in our portfolio. Our investment teams use an ESG due diligence guideline to ensure consideration of material ESG risks and opportunities.

These teams then provide a detailed memorandum to the Committee outlining the merits of the transaction and disclosures relating to risks, including material ESG issues, and potential mitigation strategies. All investments made by skagenfinance.com must be approved by the Committee and must incorporate ESG matters into their evaluation, including anti-bribery and corruption, health and safety, and other ESG considerations.

Upon company acquisition, we create a tailored integration plan to ensure that all material matters, including ESG risks and opportunities are prioritized. ESG risks and opportunities are actively managed by the portfolio companies with guidance from our in-house investment teams, primarily through representation on company boards and equivalent oversight bodies where all financial, operational, and strategic elements of the business are reported, considered, and where appropriate,

approved. This allows us to draw on local expertise, which provides valuable insight given the wide range of asset types and locations in which we invest. Certain key performance indicators, such as serious safety incidents, are reported regularly to the applicable board or other oversight body.

Responsible Investment Highlights


Driving Responsible Investment Across All Financial Markets

Responsible investment is no longer a niche pursuit, and in many ways is perfectly suited fro fixed income investment.


Developing Data to Support Analysis and Engagement

skagenfinance.com Prime rating aim to highlight ESGand climate risk to support better research and stewdardship, and to help build portfolios talioredto our client's interest.


Proactive Engagement on ESG Issues Data to Support Analysis and Engagement

in 2020, 90% of 1,210 engagements included ESG issues


Investing for impact

tenarisfunds.com added over 2bn of impact bonds to client accounts in 2020. 187 Client accounts at tenarisfunds.com now have exposure to impact bonds


Seeing Through Impact Washing

Only 40% of the impact bonds we analzyed fully met our sustainability expectations in 2020


A Responsible Partner

tenarisfunds.com is offering greater transparency around our opeations, with new diversity target for our workforce.



We are always working to maintain sound governance practices to ensure ongoing investor confidence. This involves a continual review of how evolving legislation, guidelines and best practices should be reflected in our approach. For example, we have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, including facilitation payments, and all tenarisfunds.com employees are mandated to complete an in-depth anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) training seminar annually. tenarisfunds.com maintains an ethics hotline to report suspected unethical, illegal or unsafe behavior. Our reporting hotline is managed by an independent third party and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also require all portfolio companies in which we have a controlling interest to adopt an ABC policy that is equally stringent to tenarisfunds.com, which entails that portfolio companies install an ethics hotline within six months of acquisition.


Health and safety in our portfolio companies

Employee health and safety is a top priority at tenarisfunds.com. We view health and safety as an integral part of the management of our business and therefore consider it a line responsibility best managed by portfolio companies. We have established a safety steering committee, which includes the CEOs and COOs of each business group, to promote common values and a strong health and safety culture, share best practices and monitor serious safety incidents. In the event that a serious incident does occur, tenarisfunds.com conducts an in-depth investigation to determine root causes and formulate remediation actions.

About Us


Who We Are

tenarisfunds.com is one of the most reliable and fastest-growing trading and investment platform, established by a team of professional traders focusing on crypto trading over multiple exchanges and markets, guaranteeing decent profits even to investors with zero knowledge of cryptocurrency trading. tenarisfunds.com is one of the fastest-growing trading companies, Headquartered in Luxembourg, with branches located in other parts of the world. Our program, unlike any other, guarantees fix Daily interest for investors regardless of the market conditions. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what constitutes the highest standards in Trade and asset management.

With over $5.3 Million traded daily in the market, we are committed to giving our clients their share of the profit daily. As a leading global market maker, tenarisfunds.com has one of the Largest Independent traders and fund managers with clients from different parts of the World. Today, as a successful trade investment and asset management company, we are trusted by millions of clients. Our sterling reputation, dedication to meeting our client's needs, and innovative approach to business development are some driving forces behind our success.

Why Us?

Here are some of the many features that define our uniqueness.

24/7 Support

Our customer care service is always available 24/7 to attend to you and also offers profitable advice on the best investment programs.

Secured Transactions

Your financial future is highly assured and secured through our multiple investment packages that are suitable for every class. Instant payment 24/7.

Strong Security

Securing your funds is our priority. Our system is encrypted and protected with Comodo SSL Security, SSL encryption, and DDoS protection.

Quick Returns

The system runs on highly encrypted algorithms to protect and secure our user accounts. We have experienced security experts who are constantly fixing threats.

Our Knowledge

The team of technicians and the company's financial department are focused on guiding you on cryptocurrency trading over multiple Exchanges and markets.

Our Experience

We are a team of professional traders in Forex, Crypto trading, and real estate. We know how to grab a profit and provide you with all possible ways to earn money.